Past Activities

These Events Were Just Plain Fun!!!

What an amazing trip! It was an epic journey – two days of memories in the sand with the Dojo crew!

We met at the Dojo early and headed to the beach in FULL UNIFORM WITH BELT for a memorable workout in the sand! Then within walking distance to the Boardwalk many took the opportunity to go on some great rides, and others checking out the sights. As evening came, we had an incredible Mexican Dinner Potluck with some special dishes from the Clements and Kearneys that were noteworthy in their own right! After a few group games and fun, we crashed in our bunks for the night. The next morning was begun with a nice devotional and then it was off the Marianne’s Ice Cream Shop for the best treats around! We had a number of people enjoy roaming the shops at Capitola, and a fearless few took us up on the Iron Man Challenge – a short but intense workout that deserves a meritorious prize in itself. There was no slowing the sand castle builders from their passionate work. Before Shihan even got to the beach they had already carved a huge divot in the sand with Bill’s handy Cold Steel Shovel! The sand castle was up and functional for an entire village to inhabit within a couple hours, and fortified with some wave-proof sea walls to to keep the new villagers safe and dry. Overall, this was a very pleasant weekend getaway. We are grateful for so many of you who entrusted us with your weekend fun-time!



Laser Tag Web Ad

Our laser tag night was a blast (literally) with over 85 people playing, plus their families….wow what a night! Thank you all for coming and making this a grand event! We tried to use our phone to take some photos of people playing laser tag in the arena, but ….fail! ….should have brought our REAL camera! Oh well, we will know for next time!

Just for fun, we have our three coloring contest entry forms for each year available for your download – just click on the images below.

Christmas Coloring Contest13 small


Coloring Contest 15 small

NEW FOR 2016…


Christmas Party web Banner14

Each year we host a big end of the year Christmas Party that is always a ton of fun as we celebrate with games, prizes, contests, gifts, activities and our famous “Video Contest”!

We hope to soon post the winning entries to each year’s contest RIGHT HERE very soon! Stay tuned!

Video Contest Winners:

2015 – Killinger Family (It Must Be Santa)

2014 -Rorden Family (12 Days of Karate – original song)

Congratulations to all of our entries over the years! Nice Work!




Santa Cruz Beach Training Trip 2014!

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